General Categories > Laws and Legislation

How should the NFOA procede re: a possible New "Assault Weapon" Ban

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Dan W:
The topic here is NOT optics

Sorry Dan.

I picked the second to last option. While we are a state organization, the biggest threat right now is at the federal level. If a federal AWB goes through, all the effort to stop one at the state level would be wasted.

I think we should focus on defeating any federal restrictions, but keep a watchful eye on the unicameral.

yea, sorry dan!

i picked the 2nd to last selection as well.  we need to focus on NE, but make sure the NRA doesn't screw us over!  maybe focus 80% of our time to NE and 20% to National, like keeping contact with our Federal reps.

im curious to what the NRA is going to say on Fri.


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