America is not a democracy, because our founding fathers were wise enough to know that a democracy would ultimately fail. A democracy, after all, is mob rule: who controls the mob controls government.
America is a constitutional republic, which means we elect leaders to run government, but what those elected leaders do is strictly limited by the Constitution.
Our government has evolved into a de facto democracy, unfortunately, and that is at the heart of our downfall. This evolution has been nurtured by the big lie machine called the liberal press, that manipulates voters the same ways its commercial advertisers sell their products.
The only hope I see for freedom to survive in America is for the law written in the Constitution to once again become the law of the land, and that, unfortunately, is not likely to come from the electoral process, because too many among us are manipulated by the liberal press, and, as some have pointed out, a great many people are willing to sell themselves into slavery.