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Author Topic: liberal propaganda  (Read 795 times)

Offline depserv

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liberal propaganda
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:49:41 PM »
The term "assault weapons" is a propaganda term used to deceive ignorant people about what is being referred to.  An accurate term would be "20th Century arms," because that is what semi-autos are, and it is their function as arms that is being referred to by the slogan. 

The traitor Diane Feinstein has now become fond of referring to the arms she is trying to outlaw as "weapons of war."  This is just a variation of the assault weapons slogan. 

The truth about these slogans is made more obvious by another slogan commonly used to sell the assault weapon treason when it came out the first time: "legitimate sporting purpose."  This slogan says that it has already been determined by all right-thinking people that sporting purpose is what makes ownership of a certain firearm type legitimate; there is a right to have a deadly weapon if and only if its purpose is the pursuit of fun in other words, but there is no right to keep and bear arms for defense of yourself or your community.  This of course is an absurd argument, which is why it is sold with the use of slogans instead of logical discourse.  The fact that so many people have been led to accept such absurdity shows the power of propaganda. 

The attempt to outlaw so-called assault weapons is a knife thrust at the heart of the 2nd Amendment, because it outlaws firearms by virtue of their status as arms.  The fact that it is focused just on 20th Century arms doesn't change this truth.  It's like trying to outlaw or censor all news broadcasts on electronic media (the press of the 20th Century), saying that news has no legitimate entertainment purpose.

The liberal propaganda machine managed to sell the traitor Obama to a naïve electorate two times.  So patriots should not underestimate its power.  We need to counter their lies by any and every means in order to defend our country from their aggression, because if we fail, it won't just be our guns that we lose.
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline JimP

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Re: liberal propaganda
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 09:00:57 PM »
The liberal propaganda machine managed to sell the traitor Obama to a naïve electorate two times.  So patriots should not underestimate its power.

I mostly disagree, and here's why:

I think a majority of those that voted for the current President knew exactly what they were doing: voting to take other people's stuff, so they could have it given to them.  They wanted there EBT card refilled on the 1st and 15th, and actually think that "The Rich" have enough money that this can continue indefinitely (they are wrong in this thinking, but that won't help any- it's a belief system, and no amount of fact will dissuede them from it).  Rush was right: We ran against Santa Claus, and lost, despite the fact that there really is no Santa Claus: 47% of the country depends upon a .gov benefit for their standard of living, and believe that the rest of us are well enough off to pull their weight, indefinitely.....

An ancient Greek by the name of Alcibiades said thousands of years ago, "Democracy will flourish until the Public discovers it can vote itself money from the Public Treasury."

Our democracy has passed that point, and will go the way of Greece, I fear.....

Teach what you know to young people you know ..... it may come in handy in the rough ride ahead.
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline depserv

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Re: liberal propaganda
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 10:54:03 AM »
America is not a democracy, because our founding fathers were wise enough to know that a democracy would ultimately fail.  A democracy, after all, is mob rule: who controls the mob controls government.

America is a constitutional republic, which means we elect leaders to run government, but what those elected leaders do is strictly limited by the Constitution. 

Our government has evolved into a de facto democracy, unfortunately, and that is at the heart of our downfall.  This evolution has been nurtured by the big lie machine called the liberal press, that manipulates voters the same ways its commercial advertisers sell their products. 

The only hope I see for freedom to survive in America is for the law written in the Constitution to once again become the law of the land, and that, unfortunately, is not likely to come from the electoral process, because too many among us are manipulated by the liberal press, and, as some have pointed out, a great many people are willing to sell themselves into slavery.
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.