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Author Topic: What the media won't tell you  (Read 776 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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What the media won't tell you
« on: December 26, 2012, 03:08:27 PM »

If certain aspects of stories relating to an incident of gun violence don't fit the template, they usually doesn't get reported at all. But if such things somehow get some local exposure, they rarely escape into the broader national news environment. What follows is an example of the latter.

On Saturday, Dan Zimmerman at the Truth About Guns blog (HT Instapundit) asked a quite logical question about the horrible murders at Oregon's Clackamas Mall on December 11, and referred readers to a report from local Portland TV station KGW (video at link) which provides the probable answer:

Have you wondered why, in such a target rich environment as a suburban shopping mall two weeks before Christmas, the shooter at the Clackamas Town Center only managed to kill two people before dousing his own lights? Part of the reason was a dodgy gun. But as is being reported by kgw.com, part was also due to the fact that, gun-free zone or not, Jacob Roberts was confronted by Nick Meli who was armed and has a concealed carry permit.

Note that apparently no other shots were fired after the shooter allegedly became aware of Meli. If that's the case, Meli's armed presence arguably saved an untold number of lives.

That makes the studio introduction of the segment extremely odd, or worse:

Now to an untold story on the shooting at Clackamas Town Center. We now know there was another armed man in the mall that day: a shopper, who had the shooter in his gunsight but never pulled the trigger. The Night Team's Mike Benner is live outside the mall, and Mike, the big question for many tonight would be "Why didn't he shoot?"
That's a strange introduction for a situation where you know that the answer is that Meli didn't want to hurt an innocent person, and that no one else was killed or injured (except the shooter, who killed himself) as a result of Meli's decision not to fire.

Even though when seconds count  most police are only minutes away, gun control advocates always claim that "trained professionals" are safer with guns than ordinary citizens who go target practicing once a month.   However, that is not the case.   Policemen are subject to the same dynamics in a  gun fight than citizens carrying concealed.   They are afraid for their own life, they are highly excited, and they  will shoot as quickly or even more quickly than an armed citizen will.   Case in  point:  the shooting of a gunman in New York city.    Two of NYPD's finest discharged 14 rounds, killing 58 year old Jeffy Johnson, who had previously killed his former boss and quietly walked away.  Confronted by the two  policemen he pulled his weapon was was cut down in the hail of bullets fired by the two  policemen.   Unfortunately, so  were nine innocent bystanders who happened to be in the officers lines  of fire.   

Niki Meli had the option of shooting at the mall gunman who had just killed two people, but withheld his fire because he saw innocent bystanders behind the shooter.   He over came his fear and  controlled his impulse to shoot.   Brave man, but not the kind of man the major media want to publicize.   


There is one and only one reason why gun grabbers are trying their best to repeal  the 2A.   They have dreams of a Socialist State subject to UN regulations and policed by UN troops/police and they've often stated so in public.    Many of the major news media talking heads are members of the WFM, as are most of the members of the  "Progressive Congressional  Caucus",  of which almost 20%  of Congress are members and many secretly support the PCC agenda.   The WFM's guiding principals  are here:
Any way  you look at it, the organization has a goal of dismantling our Constittuion and Bill  of Rights.

Offline JimP

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Re: What the media won't tell you
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 11:00:06 AM »
Of course: it does not fit with their narrative.
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline Ronvandyn

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Re: What the media won't tell you
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2012, 03:33:28 PM »
Why let a fact or two get in the way of a good story?

NE-CHP Holder, USAF Veteran, NRA Member,  ENGC Member