Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading
Your Favorite Hand Primer Tool?????
In Reverse Order...........
Yes. The Old, Original Lee Autoprimer seems to have been the best. All other just don't match up.
From what I can tell, just about all mfgrs hand primer shellholders are not interchangeable with other shellholders. They don't even work as shellholders in the reloading press, except RCBS.
Mikee Loxxer
Well, after your post, I checked out the Forster Co-ax Primer Seater. Had never heard of it. No shellholders to interchange. Cool. gotta be a Registered Professional Engineer to set it up and run it. [I am, but still intimidating, like you said.]
My RCBS hand primer has a non-captive pushrod. Just drop it into the hole. Unfortunately, turn the primer device past horizontal, the pushrod drops out to the floor Yes--of course--don't turn it upside down. Well, that's beyond human nature. Hence the hands-and-knees search.
Still searching for the Golden Hand Primer.
Just to throw some sarcasm out there:
The lever on my LNL AP does me just fine :).
You don't get quite the 'feel' as you would from a hand primer... but you can still tell when something is amiss or maybe needs a lil more attention.
RCBS handprimer (square one). Love it.
Liked it so much I bought a second one. One for large primers and one for small ones.
I use the Lee handheld primer and yes those stupid plastic lid tabs break easily. Seems to work pretty well...haven't any problems with it.
--- Quote --- [Lee has now gently hinted that maybe those older Autoprimers were dangerous, especially with Federal primers.]
--- End quote ---
The caution about Federal primers predates the introduction of the New AutoPrime XR ..... it was in the Lee Reloading manual (the first one).
The on-press Safety Prime is pretty slick, though not very sturdy. My brother had one on his press, and it was very fast ...... but he dropped something on it, and it died.....
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