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Mayors against illegal guns members


Dan W:
Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler was formerly a member , but I think NFOA prodding may have caused him to reconsider, since the current roster only names
Jim (not so) Suttle of Omaha
Donald Groesser of Ralston, NE as members

Some time ago I sent Beutler an email stating why he should not be part of that organization. He (or more likely his staff) replied espousing the good intent of the organization. I replied and pointed out that both the founding mayors are known to be anti-2A and their underlying intent was to step on our rights.

Glad to hear he has seen the light.


If they followed truth in advertising, they could drop the word 'illegal' from their name :)

It should be "Illegal Mayors against Guns.

Good to hear about Beutler.  I emailed him a year or two ago and got a response more or less telling me to shove it.


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