General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Weekend Coffee Roundup?

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I'll see you all there.

Feel free to call me if you cant find us, 4028060473, I'll be there about 0900ish.

Well I made the drive to Lincoln this AM and met some new to me NFOA members.
Thanks for welcoming me I had a nice time.
The food was good, the conversation was what I expected, just some guys BSing about guns, ammo, etc.
I would like to get something like this going in the Omaha area, I will try to start a new thread early in March.


NE Bull:
Good to meet you to Greg58.   As you stated, It's nice to put faces to names.   Let me know when you put something together 'up north' I'll try to slip up and meet some new folks, too.


--- Quote from: greg58 on February 09, 2013, 04:33:02 PM ---Well I made the drive to Lincoln this AM and met some new to me NFOA members.
Thanks for welcoming me I had a nice time.
The food was good, the conversation was what I expected, just some guys BSing about guns, ammo, etc.
I would like to get something like this going in the Omaha area, I will try to start a new thread early in March.


--- End quote ---

That is the most...disturbing....avatar...I have ever seen.

well i had to miss it.  i love these meet ups.  we need more of them.


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