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Weekend Coffee Roundup?

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--- Quote from: Dan W on January 01, 2013, 07:37:43 PM ---I'm Game

But, I already have breakfast with several friends on Saturday mornings at Hiway Diner, so during that time I would not be available

--- End quote ---

I'm surprised I've never run into you there.  That's my daughter and I's favorite place for breakfast.

Dan W:
We go early- 7am

NE Bull:
Don't ya know, It's breakfast before 7, lunch by 11, supper done before 5 and bedtime by 8.  Dan only has a few more years before he won't be able to stay up so late ;)
P&L Dan

Seriously though, why not move it around town a bit? each week/ month, ....?

Thats what i was thinking...if one week doesnt work for some of ya, maybe the next would.

What about this saturday, 9am? Diner suggestions?

Dan W:
This coming Saturday I still have family visiting for the holidays


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