Ammunition & Hand Loading > General Ammunition Discussion

Nylon Cased 9mm

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Was at Cabela's a few weeks ago and saw a stack of REAL CHEAP 9mm boxed ammo.  I opened the box and the bullet was blue, a nice shiny ocean blue on top of an aluminum shell. 

Anyone have any experience with these?  Nylon bullet casing instead of copper?  Never heard of it, but it was the least expensive of all the 9mm ammo on the shelves. 


NE Bull:
I had a couple boxes in my hand then put them back. I was hoping someone else would buy some and give us some feed back. Not sure which would be worse. scrubbing copper or Nylon from the barrel.

I ran about 300 through my Glock. 
They seemed to fragment a little, but shot ok.

I don't think that I would buy them again unless that was my only choice

I bought quite a bit (20 boxes or so, not at the same time), in 9mm used them in my HK and Browning, they were perfect.  The reason I got 'em cause they were on sale really cheap.  Glad I did.

They smell like burning plastic to me as I shot them.


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