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Author Topic: Reply from Govenor Dave Heineman  (Read 1708 times)


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Reply from Govenor Dave Heineman
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:56:55 PM »
I sent the Govenor Heineman, a the same frank letter  I sent to Sen. Johanns, Sen. Fisher, Congressman Smith, and the State leg. I am focusing on his position on this. Below is my letter to all reps in and for Nebraska.

 To the Congress and Senate


I have read numerous blogs in regards to the potential Firearms Ban and this seems the theme of many.....

This letter, I put forward, may seem only one sided but I am trying to put it forth in an open ended manner. Not thinking to have an answer due to it opening up more questions and unknown results due to the ever changing ever changing world and how it could affect all people.

I have watched the president and have come to a certain understanding of his desires to instill his version of a firearms ban, What I believe is proven through these types of goverments and countries is to seek ultimate Draconian control and laws to do as they desire. They have accessed the collateral losses and accept the ''innocent citizens to die by the hands of criminals, overlords and even the goverments own rule by using firearms or other means of taking life.'' This in turn would prevent its law abiding citizens to own or have equal type of resistance so they may rule with an iron fist and distribute only enough to quell total loss of control. Statistics have proven the removal of firearms in those countries have a higher death tolls when removing or limiting firearms from law abiding citizens. Our country is currently exceeding 130 million and have remained law abiding and look to harm no one, but current events have shown us that there is always a few who have chose to be evil and do the unthinkable of taking innocent lives and the innocence of our future.


Our 2nd Amendment is not about ''hunting''

If part of this country experiences a national disaster or an even such as an economic crash (fiscal cliff type) causing unforeseen collapse of a means to sustain life. Amercians would be left to fend for themselves and defend themselves against those who choose evil. We have seen that in disasters like Katrina and Sandy that our goverment is ill equipped to sustain law and order during and after natures devastation let alone a financial calamity. Perhaps a foregin terror strike would result during the duress of our nation. Could we or would we be left at the point as those in Syria and Egypt unable to protect ourselves. Would we be able to sustain freedoms that we experience in this country? Would we be able to defend ourselves from unknown forces or a corrupt goverment that takes life without question and only be left with stones to defend and nothing more? To be slaughtered would be the answer to the last question and as recently transpired in the news. With our freedoms this would not happen in this country.

If an attempt of disarmament were to occur, would there be those Amercians who would make a stand? One day in the future a question would be asked.....


"Why are you going to fight this war? Do you think that you all are HEROS?" Answer to this could be, "No there is

no way in hell....nobody ask to be a hero it just turns out that way."

Would they be considered criminals? Would there be bloodshed? I do not know. I do think that this type of outcome would be unacceptable, to test the hearts of men whose only desire is to be free. Amercians would do anything to allow their children to have FREEDOM. The Forefathers created the 2nd Amendment only to follow our First Freedom and freedom has made this country the greatest the world has known to this point.

Amercians....must demand that we retain our Constitution, All of it. It being done peacefully would be desired by all. Call, write, email, tweet or even use Facebook to communicate to elected officals being Democratic, Republican or even Independents and pray that it would not fall to the latter as to see the outcome of unknown forces bent on this type of law in an attempt to use ''Loss of Life" to enforce a Firearm style or ammunition magazine volume ban. The ultimate goal of gun control is being disguised as a course of prevention "but only as to prevent the rights of its citizens."

 But evil is evil and you cannot make a law that would remove evil from the hearts of those hell bent on the destruction of innocence or of life and liberty!!


And below is the Govenor's response to me I did receive the same letter as other op's on his response but this is the one I received from Gov. Heineman

OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR P.O. Box 94848 • Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4848 Phone: (402) 471-2244· dave.heineman@nebraska.gov
Dave Heineman Governor

Thank you for your recent correspondence in response to the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut. It is unthinkable that such an evil event can occur in the United States. December 14th was a difficult day for all Americans, and it will, undoubtably, continue to dominate our hearts and minds for the foreseeable future. I am certain we share the greatest sympathy for the parents, families, and friends of the innocent victims in Newtown.
In the wake of such a tragedy, many questions will be asked and the answers will be elusive. It is appropriate for local, state, and federal policy makers to review policies and laws in search of common sense solutions that would prevent future tragedies while being consistent with the ideals, liberties, and freedoms enshrined and protected in the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.

Any examination of possible solutions must incorporate study of the complex issues of family structure, societal values, violence on television and video games, mental health care, the criminal justice system, school safety measures, as well as the many issues surrounding guns, from locations where individuals cannot carry guns to the types of weapons citizens are entitled to possess. Already, the debate on the many issues has begun and citizens, such as yourself, have not been shy in sharing their thoughts, concerns, and solutions. One thing is clear, no easy answer or solution exists for these many complicated issues.

In talking with Nebraskans after the tragedy, we share a compassion for young victims and a strong desire to protect school children. My day-to-day interactions with Nebraskans all across the state has also taught me that Nebraskans are passionate about sharing their opinions. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to share your thoughts with your locally-elected school board members, state senator, Congressman, United States Senators, and the President.

January 3, 2013 Page 2
Please know that your comments are always welcome. Thank you, again, for writing and sharing your thoughts with me.

Dave Heineman Govemor

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Re: Reply from Govenor Dave Heineman
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 04:17:48 PM »
He's already stated that he thinks gun control should be up for discussion.  We need to hit him hard on this.


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Re: Reply from Govenor Dave Heineman
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 04:24:16 PM »
Your right and I thought I would post my orginal letter and his response, WE---ALL need to contact our reps if you do not one day maybe too late.


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Re: Reply from Govenor Dave Heineman
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 07:09:20 PM »
I called Deb Fischer and still no senate email person I spoke to offically said no other emails were valid after she was sworn in offical office.