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Reply from Adrian Smith

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My son was good friends with Lee Terry's son.  They went to grade school and middle school together.
I sent an email to him on some issue a year or two ago and mentioned our son's.

I was quite surprised that I got a personal note from Lee asking about my son and that he saw him just a few weeks earlier at his house.  So, I suspect there's a certain threshold of emails that do get forwarded to the representatives, but I agree it's mostly canned responses.


--- Quote from: XDHusker on January 09, 2013, 10:27:36 AM ---My son was good friends with Lee Terry's son.  They went to grade school and middle school together.
I sent an email to him on some issue a year or two ago and mentioned our son's.

I was quite surprised that I got a personal note from Lee asking about my son and that he saw him just a few weeks earlier at his house.  So, I suspect there's a certain threshold of emails that do get forwarded to the representatives, but I agree it's mostly canned responses.

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The fact that a canned response goes out doesn't mean that the person you wrote to didn't get your mail. The boss still gets all the letters—he just gets proposed drafts of response letters written by his staff along with them. In your case, where you indicated that you had a pre-existing personal relationship with the boss, your letter probably got flagged as being one that required a more personalized response.


--- Quote from: m0par on January 09, 2013, 10:02:18 AM ---They all use canned responses on major issues. Staff just replies with pre-written response. Can you imagine the workload individual responses would create when dealing with the same issue over and over?
--- End quote ---

They wouldn't get anything else done. I knew it was a canned response but thought I would share the first response that I've received from one of our Nebraska reps.

I have also received canned responses from the White House and the ATF.

If it makes you guys feel any better, I haven't gotten any responses from any of my emails. ;)

Poor Man:
I stated in my written letters to Senator Fisher, Senator Johanns, and Representative Smith.  that if they chose to respond I would not be satisfied with a form letter.  I appreciate the  opinions expressed by NFOA members, however, all too many times I've received a (ridiculous, even foreign to my opinion) response that tells me nothing. A copy of these letters was sent to Govenor Heineman also.


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