Congress closed down mental health facilities. It appears that the money went into their personal pork barrel projects to bribe their constituency to vote for them again. It's working so well that some politicians have retrained their office for decades and perhaps even consider it their personal fiefdom. You, of course, are the peasants.
Instead of the 2nd Amendment, do-gooders should be going after the pharmaceutical industry that is peddling "medicines" so dangerous that they have to include warnings such as that for a mere sleeping aid:
Severe anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions: Angioedema and anaphylaxis have been reported. Do not rechallenge if such reactions occur (5.2)
Abnormal thinking, behavioral changes, complex behaviors: May include "sleep-driving" and hallucinations. Immediately evaluate any new onset behavioral changes (5.3)
Depression: Worsening of depression or, suicidal thinking may occur. Prescribe the least amount feasible to avoid intentional overdose (5.3, 5.6)
Withdrawal effects: Symptoms may occur with rapid dose reduction or discontinuation (5.4, 9.2)
Fourteen of fifteen of the most recent mass shooters were on anti-psychotics Here is the list of possible side effects.
Documented Side Effects of Antipsychotics:
Behavior changes
Birth defects
Blood disorders
Blurred vision
Cardiac arrest
Death from liver failure
Excessive weight gain
Fatal blood clots
Heart arrhythmia
Heart failure
Heart palpitation
Involuntary movements
Manic reaction
Mood changes
Muscle spasms
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Sexual dysfunction
Slow/difficult speech
Suicidal thoughts
Tardive Dyskinesia
Weight gain
Yellowing of skin/eyes
It will take BILLIONS to register and confiscate guns, besides the fact that bearing guns is Constitutionally protected and infringing that Right is a violation of the oath of Office of the President, Congress and the bureaucrats they hired. That money would be better spent helping those who are on anti-psychotic drugs to receive more sane and safer treatment, rather than enriching the corporations that are peddling those suicide/murder pills.
That this aspect of the Sandy Hook shooting is rarely discussed at all except in the context of justifying violating the 2nd Amendment rights of 310 million citizens seems to me to indicate that an agenda of disarmament is what is really in play.