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Author Topic: PRT: Close Quarter Techniques class, Jan 26th  (Read 797 times)

Offline JTH

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PRT: Close Quarter Techniques class, Jan 26th
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:00:13 PM »
Precision Response Training has a Close Quarter Techniques (Firearms) class scheduled for January 26th, 2013.  (Note that this is the winter version of the class.)


This isn't a Close Quarter Battle (CQB) course, because you aren't learning how to clear buildings with a squad, nor are you learning about short-range carbine actions. 

This is a class that gives you instruction, practice, and drills to give you the maximum chance to effectively defend yourself against an attacker or group of attackers at distances of 10 feet or less. Mostly 5 feet or less.

Let's be realistic---the chances of you ever really needing your CCW is actually very small, in Nebraska.  And yet, if you DO need it, it will be because someone is trying to kill you.  Given that, AND knowing that most people won't attempt to threaten or kill you from 10 yards away--it means that if you are actually serious about learning effective self-defense with a firearm, you need to understand how to deal with close quarters situations.

What you will get in the PRT Close Quarters Techniques course:
  • An understanding of the tactical necessities of close quarters self-defense
  • A solid grounding in defense concepts related to opponent movement and personal movement
  • Instruction in fundamental techniques
  • Partner practice at various levels of resistance
  • Force-on-force practice for stress inoculation and to show whether the technique actually works.  (Because if it doesn't, you shouldn't have to pay for it.)

The difference between the summer and winter version is that the winter version is all indoors---there is no live fire at the range.  (The winter version is thus shorter, and cheaper.) You will still be using your own CCW (I will supply the weapons for the FOF evolutions) for the class, and will still learn all drills.  The summer version includes 3 hours or so at the range working the drills solo so that the first time you try these live, you'll have someone watching and helping you stay safe.  (If you've never shot a target at 6 inches from a retention 2 position, you are in for a treat, particularly if you shoot a .40S&W or a .357sig.)

In both versions of the class, you will need to have a practice barrel or barrel blocker for your CCW if you wish to participate.  (And you should have one anyway, for dry-fire and partner practice on your own.)

Register here:

(Then take our CQT-201 class which will REALLY put you under stress.  :)  )

Some other people's comments about the winter and summer versions of the classes:

Precision Response Training

Offline OnTheFly

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Re: PRT: Close Quarter Techniques class, Jan 26th
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 09:59:19 PM »
YOU (whoever YOU are) need to take this class.  Picking a gun/holster combo that you like and ammo that works well in your CC gun is only the beginning.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Offline JTH

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Re: PRT: Close Quarter Techniques class, Jan 26th
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 09:39:11 PM »
Very often, I hear people saying "I really need to take a class in that" when we talk about self-defense, firearms, and actual arms-length confrontations.

People hear about real-life situations that have occurred, we talk a little bit around tactics, movement, and technique, we discuss some scenario training, they maybe have seen a couple of YouTube videos of people moving around a bit---and they say "I really need to take that class."

But they don't.

They know the information is something they lack.  They know they wouldn't understand the situation, what would have to be done, and what they could do about it if it occurred.  They realize that they don't have any practice at useful techniques for staying alive at that range, or protecting their loved ones at that range.

But they still don't take the class.

That's up to them, of course.  Statistically speaking, it IS true that it is unlikely that a normal, law-abiding citizen is going to need to defend themselves with lethal force. 

If the dice get rolled and it comes up snake-eyes, though, I hope for your sake that the attacker is nice enough, while threatening you with lethal force, to stay more than 5 yards away from you instead of being right IN YOUR FACE.

Seriously.  I hope it works out for you.

And truthfully, the odds are that you'll never need ANY of these techniques--because you won't even need your gun.  Because that level of problem simply won't happen to you.

Of course, if you carry in the first place, you are the type of person that thinks "being prepared and not needing it is better than NOT being prepared and needing it."

So----why aren't you taking this class?

Precision Response Training