I was speaking with a friend of mine last night who is preparing to purchase her first handgun. She is a farm girl from Iowa and a longtime rifle / shotgun shooter.
She is a permanent resident of Iowa and has already received her Iowa CHL. She resides in Omaha now, temporarily, house sitting for a relative in the service. She is telling me she is going to look at Cabela's / Guns Unlimited for her purchase.
Now unless I missed something recently, she can purchase long guns across state lines w/o issues. However, she cannot purchase and take possession of a handgun across state lines. She may purchase and then have the item delivered to her selected FFL in Iowa for transfer and delivery. This was the case a few years back when I purchased from Bass Pro as a Nebraska resident and had to have the firearm transfered to a FFL here in Nebraska.
I think she has been listening to a party 'back home' in Iowa who may not know of what he speaks...