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Dave Nabity (Omaha Mayor Candidate) posted this on facebook today.

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That pretty much sums up his position IMHO.   :D

Disclaimer:  Dave's a close friend of mine and I'm supporting him wholeheartedly in his run for Mayor.

Maybe if we all have our kids write letters to the President about their fears of drunken doctors with stanley hammers we can get some real action.  ;) 

I've been trying to find the sources for those statistics, anyone know where they got the numbers?


--- Quote ---Maybe if we all have our kids write letters to the President about their fears of drunken doctors with stanley hammers we can get some real action.
--- End quote ---

The only way you'll bet any traction with that is to have a compliant media put those kids behind Dave in a photo op...... can you say, "Snowball's chance in the hot place."?   Not gonna happen.

A little good news on a Thursday(for Omaha, anyway)... Ashford is in last place for fundraising.

Click on picture to enlarge it.


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