Gear & Equipment > Knives and cutting tools

Everyday Carry Knife

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I'm a big fan of Kershaw knives, as long as you get one of the USA made ones.  I think they're a great value for the money.  That's important to me as I tend to lose folding knives.  In the past two years, all Kershaw:

1. Confiscated by TSA after I forgot it was in my carry on.
2. Mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the laundry chute after I forgot to unclip it from my pants.
3. Lost while deer hunting.  Used it to gut a buck, then set it on top of the carcass to wait for help lifting him on the 4-wheeler.  Forgot about it and it fell into the leaves.
4. Had the latest one for 1 month and I'm trying to think up an interesting way to misplace it.

I blame Nebraska's stupid 3 1/2" blade limit for carry knives.  I have a fixed blade Cold Steel Master Hunter that I've had for over 20 years and it's still hanging around.  My theory is I only lose small knives.

Well guess i'm breaking the law with my new edc knife, camillus cuda.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on February 02, 2013, 07:46:50 AM ---I blame Nebraska's stupid 3 1/2" blade limit for carry knives.

--- End quote ---

Whoa! Guess I never knew that, or even thought about it. Interesting. (Proceeding to internet search.)

Rotate between: CRKT M21-02GL(current), M16-01Z - Spear Point, M16-01KZ - Spear Point

Dan W:
For those that don't know.

If a knife is under 3.5" in blade length, it is not legally a knife by definition. If the blade is longer than 3.5", it meets the legal definition of knife and can not be concealed, and a CHP does not cover any weapon other than a handgun.

Also a few other tidbits... Longer than 3" is illegal in Hastings, and any switchblade is illegal to sell or possess in Lincoln.

I am sure there are more so be careful out there


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