Gear & Equipment > Knives and cutting tools

Everyday Carry Knife

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I EDC a CRKT Dogfish. Fixed blade, about 2.5ish inches, and overall maybe 5.5 inches.  Best part? $20.

We have been selling Benchmade knives at TBH since we opened. Cant say we have ever had any issues with them. If it is going to be a utility knife, stay away from any of the add on finishes though, they dont last. Just go with plain SS.

Like mentioned earlier the axis lock is great for opening and closing one handed. We have sold quite a few to guys who use them everyday, all day long and we get great feedback.

I have owned a number of Benchmades and Emersons. I currently EDC an Emerson CQC7. The wave feature gets it opened faster out of the pocket than anything else that I have handled. For Fire Dept duties I carry a Spyderco Delica with the wave feature. It has seen a lot of use and sweat and has held up better than some of the more expensive knives I have used in the past.

- Shawn


--- Quote from: gigabelly on January 24, 2013, 07:55:38 AM ---*SNIP* A friend of mine gave me a great knife for Christmas.  Holy Crap! The cheapest I can find them are $750. *SNIP*

--- End quote ---

now THAT'S a friend.

i carry a cheapo John Deere knife imported from China.  for $10 its ok, but i would not go looking for it if i lost it.

Thanks for all the input guys. I have used cheapo knives in the past and wanted a serious upgrade, I can also get some steep discounts on Kershaw and after I complete some product training (probably 20 minutes) I can get Spyderco discounts too. However I keep coming back to that 470 emissary; the blade is exactly what I was looking for, was a smidge over 2oz, the stud on the blade has easy access via a groove cut into the handle, and has a deep carry clip. I will check out Spyderco probably and see if anything tickles my pickle. Hopefully I will get my hands on a nice knife in the near future.

Most of my EDC knives are Benchmade.  I'm very happy with the quality overall.  However, I've had a few problems with the Auto-AXIS mechanism on my Auto Presidio.  It's been back to Benchmade once already because it wouldn't lock when I closed the blade unless I manually moved the locking mechanism into place.  Now, less than a year later, the auto opening function is sluggish.

With that said, I also own a Mini Reflex Auto.  I've never had any problems with it.  The Reflex utilizes a different mechanism, however.  The Reflex is also a much lighter weight knife than the Auto Presidio.

I also have a Mini Presido Ultra which is not an auto-open knife.  I like it for its simplicity and durability.  Just yesterday, I ordered my first Spiderco knife.  It's the Persistence with the thumbhole open assist (non-auto).  We'll see how I like it.

If you buy a knife with a coated blade, expect the coating to wear off.  It doesn't matter if it's a Benchmade or not.  I have several knives with coated blades.  I use my knives.  The coating wears off.  It's as simple as that.  I stripped the coating off of one of my fixed-blade knives (an ESEE 5) and was pretty happy with the results.  The ESEE's have a carbon steel blade, though, so I keep a light coat of oil on them.


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