General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Text of Feinstein's AWB of 2013... S.150

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122 pages of worthlessness.    :angry:

When if anyone knows when does the congress vote on this?

Anyone care to contemplate on the purpose of specifically listing, by type, make and model, guns that are not covered by the ban?

Why is almost every rifle used for hunting listed under the "Sniper Bolt Action Rifles" section?

Something smells fishy.


--- Quote from: bbauman on January 28, 2013, 07:59:13 PM ---Anyone care to contemplate on the purpose of specifically listing, by type, make and model, guns that are not covered by the ban?

Why is almost every rifle used for hunting listed under the "Sniper Bolt Action Rifles" section?

Something smells fishy.

--- End quote ---

Ya, why list guns not included in the ban? That ***** is up to something.....

I don't think this is the real list. It lists pretty much every gun ever made.


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