on the NRA-ILA money-bomb day, i donated to the NFOA PAF with a one time donation.
Thanks for that RobertH! However, that does not qualify you to be in our "Cool Members" group.
Seriously though...thanks for your support!
My point in starting this thread is that a small monthly donation may not appear to be worth anyone's time, but that seemingly insignificant commitment from
each of us
every month WILL make a
substantial difference.
In addition, while the NFOA BoD can not necessarily count on these funds as guaranteed revenue, it might help considerably with their expense planning. Many of us who whole heartedly support the 2A likely make donations when our rights are being attacked such as we have seen in the last few months. This does help, but it also undoubtedly puts the board (or at least predisposes them to being) behind the power curve. That is not to say that the BoD is reactive to the issues. On the contrary, they are proactive in staying on top of the issues and communicating with its members and our representatives. However, we can not sit idly by and say "what have you done to fight for our rights today" while we fail to fully support them. Whether that support is being actively hands on and/or monetary support.
Have you ever been on the BoD of a not-for-profit organization or community committee? If so, you are well aware that you have many members expecting you to do all the work, support their beliefs, and fight for their interests. To a large extent, these "supporting" members expect you to do all this without their physical, mental or monetary in nature.
We can NOT be that membership. The fight for our rights is occurring right now. And by "now", I don't mean just our current political climate. By "now" I am referring to every minute of every day. Our fight does not end just because of who was elected into office. There are always those who would completely strip us of our rights, or possibly more insidious, those who would compromise on our rights in the interest of being "reasonable".
So once again...$1, $2, or $5 per month? You KNOW you can afford it, and it WILL make a difference. Just do it! Click
HERE to do your part.