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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

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Thanks for the posts folks.  I appreciate that many of you support other national 2A groups.  Good for you! However, to put it bluntly, the NRA, CCRKBA, GOA, etc. will NOT give the attention to our local 2A issues that they will the national issues.  Yes, they will work on some of the local issues, but their attention is divided across the entire nation.  We need to also support a group that focuses on state issues.

I also appreciate financial woes and how tough times are.  However, I did not say that everyone needs to donate at or above a specific level.  If you can only afford $1 a month, then DO IT!  If you go shooting during the course of a month, shoot a few rounds less and give the difference to the NFOA.  If you are not destitute (and I DO understand hard financial times), then there HAS to be something you can donate.  Is $5 really going to break you?

Do you read the minutes from the monthly BoD meetings? In January 2013, the NFOA had just a little over $15,000 in the bank.  That may seem like a lot of money, but it is a piss poor budget for an expensive fight that we are asking the NFOA to wage.  What if we were averaging $2 each month per NFOA member?  We could hire a lobbyist (not sure if the NFOA can legally do that?) that could keep the pressure on our representatives full time as opposed to Andy and the rest of the Board members having to do it in their spare time while they are shirking off their family lives.

Bottom line.  These people fighting our fight need our support, and I don't mean a cheerleader squad.  So again...every single one of you out there.  You can't afford $2 per month? 


I am new to this forum, and to this association.  What battles are ahead for Nebraska gun rights? Apart from what is going on in Washington?

I have noticed over 200 sheriff's have told Obama to stick his gun grabbing ideas, but not one county in Nebraska has joined on.  Why?


--- Quote from: Gary on February 12, 2013, 12:56:02 AM ---I am new to this forum, and to this association.  What battles are ahead for Nebraska gun rights? Apart from what is going on in Washington?

I have noticed over 200 sheriff's have told Obama to stick his gun grabbing ideas, but not one county in Nebraska has joined on.  Why?

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I noticed this about a month ago, but since then the NSA has joined the CSPOA in supporting LB 451 but I still only see one county listed under their members for Nebraska county sheriffs, On the other hand Lancaster County Sheriffs has this on their Homepage.
Sounds like its time to start making some calls and get these guys involved.
Back to the point, thank you for the checks and balances there Fly, I am going to set up a low monthly payment this payday.

im going to donate to thr NFOA PAF soon... just been too busy with the new child

Thank Goodness at least one county has been added to the list for Nebraska.  I will send that Sheriff a thank you letter. 

--- Quote from: wusker on February 12, 2013, 01:27:07 PM ---I noticed this about a month ago, but since then the NSA has joined the CSPOA in supporting LB 451 but I still only see one county listed under their members for Nebraska county sheriffs, On the other hand Lancaster County Sheriffs has this on their Homepage.
Sounds like its time to start making some calls and get these guys involved.
Back to the point, thank you for the checks and balances there Fly, I am going to set up a low monthly payment this payday.

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