If you are interested in shooting at the GSSF match (Glock Sport Shooting Foundation) match in Grand Island on June 13th or 14th, please get your registration form filled out ASAP and get it in to GSSF. Registrations really need to get in by the end of May.
www.gssfonline.comThe Heartland Shooting park in Grand Island went to the trouble of getting Glock to bring a match here to Nebraska, so we really want to show Glock that we support them coming here. Many of you have already heard my story, but if you haven't.... I approached GSSF several years back to bring a match to Nebraska and was basically told to forget it because they didn't think we could draw the numbers. Lets prove them wrong!!! (The Lincoln Rock Your Glock matches were then born on the ride back from the Halsville MO match where GSSF shot me down. We decided we would start our own matches since they wouldn't bring one here).
The great thing about the real GSSF match is they give away several brand new pistols (yes Glocks), as well as many other prizes. (Not only for top finishers, but random prizes as well). Glock also has an armorer on hand at the match that will completely go through your pistols and magazines and replace anything that needs to be replaced for FREE. GSSF also has a category just for Law Enforcement/Military/Firefighters to compete against each other.
NOW to get some good practice in the week before the GSSF match, we will have a Rock Your Glock match at the Lincoln Izaak Walton the Saturday before Grand Island (June 6th).
http://rockyourglock.tripod.comPlease help spread the word and make this a successful match! Pass this on to other shooters, and those of you in Law Enforcement, please spread the word at your Department!
Chris Zeeb