If in days of our youth, beads, headbands, tiedies, elephant pant jeans, groovy,stay tight, painted faces, and if you could call the words we spoke English, As I see it we grew and now we are the one who see those as you described well then how have we done? Some will say we didn't fair well a socialist/marxism's man holds the office, do we wonder why in this gimme gimme or my feelings will get hurt generation are children have been taught by helicopter parents so as no child is left behind crap!! Then we lived our lives with a mentality of if I am not affected I'll just mind my own business, well look who's in office we/I didn't give a hoot until even though they tax the hell out of me, tell me I can not do that to my property, putting unheard of ability's to track/listen/photograph me with out my consent/ticket me via mail/hire those who will actually work for less than I will/ condemn me because I smoke and limit me where I can forget about enjoying this in a tavern-bar-nightclub/ and then tell me I should learn a foreign language to get by?
Well when is enough, enough? It has come to what I hold very dear to my heart My so called Freedom and pursuit of happiness I find in firearms, that line is being drawn for me and I will not stand for it. Now I must learn what I should do and to whom I must talk to, and band together with those of same desires are we too late? No not Yet!! But how far will I pursuit it will I only go so far to keep my pistols as I am not a fan of the fabulous(yea right) AR with standard 30 rnd mags, and say to myself it will be ok to let them downsize the round count on those mags? So long as they leave my pistols alone. We should have watched and seized the moment then! Or is it too late? Quit gripping is first on my list and then I Will Actually Have To Do The Work Myself and Get Involved With Others Who Were Starting To Fight Before Me And Get My Own Hands Dirty and Do This Even Though I Just Worked 12 hrs to Put Food On My Table and to Have Heat No one man can do alone but band together and overcome those who are doing their best to fullfill their wants and desires for the way I should live my life (as they think they know better)..... Welcome too Our new life where if we don't get our way most times we just move in a different direction and avoid the confrotation Its time to get-r-boots on and walk the walk...
I'm not ranting or just see and watch and living blindly(WAS) ok and putting up with all and taking it, no more will I idly and just watch time go by, now to get my hands involved and work with my fine countryman and overcome this anarchy of the current world..... and not just with words on this forum, I call/email my rep's and even those who are not my rep's in this state but I contact reps across this country to let them know and encourage them that fighting is worth it, and guess what, You can tell the caliber of man as they respond to you and may tell you exactly where to go.. or but instead find a place where we can work together and combine our strength sometimes you don't see things the same but, a fine man like Senator Kintner(and the like) who has is putting the next step forward into the so call fire. To stand as a shield moving forward clearing the way that we can follow and if he should fall someone is behind him and will pick him up should he stumble. This is the way the only way we can succeed Together....
added-( and the like)