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Smart Meters in Nebraska

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I found that article while searching for info on Smart Meters in Nebraska. Does anyone have one on their house currently?

I'll tack on this question - does anyone know about Agenda 21 and how it's being implemented in Nebraska?

Most of Greater Omaha has had them for a few years now

Both the Electric and Gas/water meters too

Nick, I have contacted Sen's Dubas, Gloor, Gov. Heineman, we need to stop this as well Johanns also passed a bill that would allow aeril photographing and this by-passes gaining axcess to your property this is not good and No I don't have A TIN HAT ON TOO TIGHT...


As I understand it is this any subsidies granted by gov to some farming businesses who accept funds can not for ie: can not cuts a tree line out as it would affect the natural habitat of critters. And if they did would remove further funding. And now they no longer require to be on your property they can do from the air.... its another invasion of your rights


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