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Smart Meters in Nebraska

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A friend of mine works for MUD, and says that MUD does not use the "Smart Meters" and has no current plans to do so. Can't be used for gas because  pilot lights would extinguish every cycle. Just a bit of a problem there.

As for OPPD meters, they are only supposed to be electronic broadcasting of the current readings. A van drives up the street and scans all the meters saving manpower to manually read them. Supposed to save $$.

I know my air conditioner worked all last summer.  8)


--- Quote ---I know my air conditioner worked all last summer. 
--- End quote ---

Koz its not about having your a/c working it all that goes with it,

you my friend will not like what you read, when you read it R/F frequencies like sitting atop your dish and accepting signals all the time. This is why Erin Broavich proved that living under HighVoltage Lines cause cancer,illness,and many other health problems....

I always wondered if Tech Savvy Theifs could tap in to and use the info from
these so called"Smart Meters" to be able to target Homes where the family was on vacation
or someting like that Due to the amount of usage the meters were reporting over a period of time.

Guess I need to look more into how exactly the report useage and what data is transmitted and if it resets each time triggered or not.



--- Quote from: Phantom on February 14, 2013, 07:56:52 PM ---I always wondered if Tech Savvy Theifs could tap in to and use the info from
these so called"Smart Meters" to be able to target Homes where the family was on vacation
or someting like that Due to the amount of usage the meters were reporting over a period of time.
--- End quote ---

It depends on if the  data is encrypted going both directions and the RSA encryption key is greater than 1024 bytes,  preferably 4096 bytes.  Keys  of less than or equal  to 768 bytes have already been broken, so 128, 256 and 512 byte keys are no longer safe.    Bigger keys take longer to encrypt and decrypt data but corporations generally don't keep abreast of encryption technology in  order to save money and increase profits, especially if it  isn't their data that is at risk.


--- Quote from: Phantom on February 14, 2013, 07:56:52 PM ---I always wondered if Tech Savvy Theifs could tap in to and use the info from
these so called"Smart Meters" to be able to target Homes where the family was on vacation
or someting like that Due to the amount of usage the meters were reporting over a period of time.

Guess I need to look more into how exactly the report useage and what data is transmitted and if it resets each time triggered or not.
--- End quote ---

From what I read you bet!! as it broadcast in R/F and when your not using the tv,washer, micro, oven, hairdryer, based on consumption of electricty and know the band sure enough. What makes this hard to understand is this..... I am an Appliance Repair Co, and todays mfg appliances are equiped with abilty to be controlled by via cell phone and like items, and group the home alarm system that will allow the user to do the same so they can tap a CC system and view in your home if your can a savy tech can right Scott! but what almost no one knows that they are putting camera's on your mid-range and higher products with listening capibilties so your getting watched by your TV, range , micro, washer, ect... if you have a new mfg flat screen tv go up to it and take a flash light at about a 45* angle of flash light you'll spot the infa-red sensor but wait as you scan the outter frame of the TV you see another type of eye/sensor yup its the camera they are built into them on most models. Don't believe yet put tape/black/duct and cover it you'll find the tv works just fine and Dish/Google have these they say to watch your emotions while you watch to they say to create a better commercial? Well if I watching BOB AKA barrak-0-bama=BOB and have evil sneers they might call me a future ter**** and use local swat


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