General Categories > Kids and Guns

What my 11 year old said tonight

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Wow! What a great kid!  If I had a son......

His tee says a very bold statement... don't wear it to school young'en

Actually I think he has worn it to school but the school knows how steven is which is very polite, nice, helpful and gentle.  He also wears his jacket all the time so maybe that's how he's gotten away with it. :laugh:

Well, very good then glad to hear it. :D

My daughter was driving with me the other day when the news came on the radio, talking about Obama's drone program.  She asked me what they were talking about, and I told her the President has claimed the right to kill American citizens he considers to be terrorists. 

Daughter:  "He can't do that!  He has to have evidence, and go to court!  That's wrong!"

Me:  "Well, you understand better than the President does."

Daughter:  "Yeah, and I'm only 9!"


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