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Author Topic: Email I recieved From the Firearms Policy Coalition  (Read 890 times)

Offline msspatz

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Email I recieved From the Firearms Policy Coalition
« on: February 19, 2013, 07:59:10 PM »
Thank you, Mindy Spatz, for taking decisive action to protect your Second Amendment rights and advance individual liberty.

Never in our history has our fundamental right to keep and bear arms been at greater risk of oppressive gun control laws like those proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein. Law-abiding American gun owners are being scapegoated for the evil acts of a deranged few; opportunistic politicians are working feverishly to score points in the anti-gun media by denying you your basic human right of self-defense. Only with the support and actions of people like you will we and future generations enjoy the blessings of liberty that our ancestors fought so bravely to secure for us.

Our rights, and our responsibility to fight those who would infringe upon them, do not stop at our homes' doorstep or any state's borders. Gun rights are civil rights, and we must stand together to safeguard them across the United States. Defending the Second Amendment is not a discrete effort, or one that ends when you click a button - it's our civic duty, every day, to join together and be the free, vocal, and liberty-loving Americans that the framers of the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment intended for us to be. In these times of one gun control bill after another being proposed in our state houses, in Congress, and by President Obama, just taking 5 minutes every day to share our message can truly make the difference between winning... and not. At the bottom of this email are some useful links; please share them with fellow patriots often by email, on Facebook, at Twitter, at Starbucks, at your local gun shops, at the range, and everywhere. Let's rekindle our civic virtue and keep America Free!

If you haven't yet, please join or donate to the FPC gun-rights organizations doing tremendous work on your behalf, day in and day out, to advance our Second Amendment rights. We're up against billionaires like New York's anti-gun mayor Michael Bloomberg - every single dollar you can lend in support of our efforts makes a huge difference on the front lines.

Again, thank you for taking action to support your right to keep and bear arms.

In Liberty,

Brandon Combs
Managing Director
Firearms Policy Coalition

-- Please, forward this email to your family, friends, and fellow patriots - show them how you are standing with FPC to defend the Second Amendment! --


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