General Categories > Laws and Legislation

H.R. 3355 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act ---Auto Weapons Ban

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I have been using the NRA link and the site email of individual politicians when I get a specific letter.

The point here is that we need to let these guys know and pass the word among ourselves that this has all been done before. 1994 is not all that long ago, but enough that a lot of people (most likely a majority) have forgotten, are new or never knew what hit them. Very few people ever read a passed bill and have no clue what our government really does every day. Clinton stuffed 10 years of spending into that bill alone. Now he is doing it again. After this black cloud goes it's way, we need to set limits of political involvement for individuals who have had their shot. But, I digress.

In the current climate of excessive government spending, tax increases and budget issues, a call to reduce spending may be our best defense. Firearms are not an issue and have very little with the political solution. Look at H.R. 3355 and you will see what the issue is really about. Gun control is a tiny speck in that bill but got all of the attention. Gun owners were impacted to acheive adgenda spending. The impact could be much greater this time.

Letters I have received lately from various politicians still have several paragraphs that mourn recent violent crime. Yes, we all feel bad about that. But this has turned into a fight. How many times did you think something would not pass and it did? Obama has used a lot of air time lately, carefully staged to get the most emotion he could manage and is hitting his target audience.

I don't know what firearm owners are willing to give up. If the answer is NOTHING then start calling and writting. We should even start asking to get things back.  I know people who have carried concealed for decades, without a permit. They are criminals because they didn't pay the money but otherwise no different from anyone that has payed the money.

It is easy to write using the NRA link posted above. Effort is the only thing that will pay off here. Write a letter today....and tomorrow.

Again well said


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