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Author Topic: H.R. 3355 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act ---Auto Weapons Ban  (Read 1162 times)

Offline SS_N_NE

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Above is a link to the text of the House Resolution well know as the 1994 Automatic Weapons Ban.
I think with all of the current gun contol legislation going on everywhere that a visit to history is needed. Take a moment to at least review the link above for the titles to the various parts of that bill.

Notice how media limits the concept of gun control to a few "military style assault" weapons. This makes the idea of getting some nasty looking guns that sportsmen don't need off the streets. This sounds great to people scared by firearms and a compromise by gun owners to keep what they have.  Notice how little of this bill was really related to the actual banning of firearms and how much is related to very much more. Very few people understand what a bill looks like and how much ground they usually cover. Take some time to understand how our government works and how they use concepts to grab tax money for their adgenda and markers to contributors.  It is important to understand that things are nothing like they look on the surface and how a simple idea is used to sneak huge amounts of money into other's pockets. Even though some of the ideals may be good, there is also a lot of money just for the profit of certain people.

This is why gun control continues to hit legislation on a regular basis. The emotion is enough to sneak in huge amounts of funding, grants and self-suiting law. In this age of information and excessive government spending, it is time to call politicians for these propaganda tactics. Call it what it really is, a smoke and mirrors way of manipulating people to get money.

Contact your Federal and State reps and let them know you are know what is really going on. Let other people know that they are being conned with a previous used plan to get money. Maybe they think time has passed and people have forgotten, but it is time to let people understand what is really going on. It is all about getting ahold of tax money.

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Today's email to President, VP, NE Senate and Reps.

Mr. President,

I am writting this message regarding your recent gun control proposals.

I watched your recent national address where you made your excutive orders on gun control and proposed a number of money spending ideas for addressing violent crime. I am old enough to remember H.R. 3355 which is generally referred to as the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. This was actually a Violent Crimes bill, but used the emotion of gun control to justify the spending of money contained in that bill. I find it apalling that you choose to puppet Bill Clinton in this method of spending tax money. Bill had his shot of running this country and needs to move on. Using a gun control bill propagandized by recent events is a low way to get pork stuffed into legislation. I was also very dissapointed by the choice to backdrop your stage with childern carefully chosen for impact on a viewing audience. Again as you promoted gun control recently in Minnesota, you used uniformed law enforcement officers for propaganda. I find these tactics very offensive and you should reconsider the people responsible for setting up the blatent use of people to set an emotional backdrop. It is offensive because it makes it clear that our government believes citizens of the United States are lacking intelligence enough to see through these tactics. I was also dissapointed on a number of levels at the recent State of the Union Address but mostly that you chose to ignore the common sense of arming individuals on our schools to protect children. Gun free zones do not work and criminals do not follow laws.  Again, persons impacted by gun violence were used as propaganda for your cause. The use of victims to backdrop an adgenda is poor form.
 I do not appreciate the use of the terms, "assault", "military style" and "clips", since these terms are incorrectly and intentionally used to incite emotion to push lessor informed people to side with concept to push a money spending adgenda.
History has proven that H.R. 3355 had little affect on violence as far as banning weapons. The CDC has already spent time looking into the cause of violent crime and concluded that there was no decernable change from a weapons ban. Revisiting the same history is an obvious ploy to get money for a pletora of things not related to control of firearms. I do not appreciate my choice of firearms being limited for self-defense in a country that fails to control criminals, has no duty to provide for my self defense (per Supreme Court) and can not provide for my self defense. I do not appreciate the idea that anyone can decide how many rounds of ammunition are enough for my self defense. I am a law abiding citizen and believe it is my right beyound those in the Constitution of the United States to provide for the safety of mine and myself against those who choose to ignore my right to life, and liberty.
I will and have already taken an active part on spreading the real intent of gun control legistlation. I will support lobby organizations to promote my concerns. I will use my influence on others to shape the structure of government in this country. I will use my vote to shape the structure of government in this country. People must understand the real reason that current gun control is little more than a repeat of the 1994 distribution of tax money, with loss of rights for 10 years having no reasonable impact on the reduction of violent crime. Government spending is out of control and using emotion of various hot topics and cultures of people is not an honorable way to lead a country.

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Email to Sen. Johanns:

Senator Johanns,

I recently received your letter dated February 8, 2013 regarding your thoughts on gun control.

H.R. 3355 well known as the "Assault Weapons Ban" of 1994 (actually a violent crime bill)is a historical example of what the current gun control proposals are all about. If you would, take some time to review that bill. Notice how little of it actually addresses "assault weapons". This quick reference of history not only shows involvement of the CDC to study violent crime and final studies showed little impact on violent crime caused by the reduction of "assault weapons". More importantly is the fact that H.R.3355 is a pretty fat bill with a very fat price tag. Anyone of marginal common sense can see that although firearms got the credit, the bill was a huge government spending spree. In a time when government spending is out of control, it is important to not loose view of how emotional subjects are propagandized and used in simplistic terms to pass a bill of huge spending. Although the effort appears noble, there is obviously individuals, companies and various entities making great gain from this emotion. In other words, citizens are tricked to believe that something is being done for a certain issue, when instead a lot of spending is hidden into some bill. This is a root problem with how legislation hides spending in every possible nook and cranny or alters other legistlation that suits the need of the day.
As a member of the NRA, GOA and the Nebraska Firearm Owners Association (NFOA)I carefully watch legistlation in this country and pass what I find to other equally concerned citizens. We are watching closely and will do what is necessary to shape the future of government based on how thing go for our Second Ammendment Right.
In your letter, you mentioned the January 16th, 2013 Presidental proposals and executive orders. I am well aware of these proposals and infact reported them to you in my last correspondence. It is unreasonable for government to determine what style of appearance of firearm I can possess for my self defense. It is clear that my personal defense is not guaranteed (Supreme Court decision). It is unreasonable that anyone can determine how many rounds my firearms can hold when my personal defense can not be guaranteed. I have complied with Nebraska law to pass a background check to aquire a Nebraska firearms purchase permit in order to exercise my Second Amendment Right. I have complied with training requirement and will apply for my Nebraska CCW permit to legally exercise my Second Amendment Right. I have been a Nebraska resident for over 30 years and it still amazes me how much it costs and how many laws limit my Second Ammendment Right. I am not sure that our U.S. Government or Nebraska Government understand the concept of a "Right". In any case, the Presidential proposal proves my concern that gun control will be used to spend at least $4.5 billion as you pointed out. It is obvious by many state level legistlation that many are preparing for the money in advance.
Although you indicated you do not serve on the Senate Judiciiary Committee, I do expect your efforts in preventing any firearm bans, magazine limits or other efforts to take away individual freedom. Law abiding firearm owners are NOT criminals and should not be punished for government failure to deal with criminals.
In your letter, you acknowledged that hunters, gun collectors and sportsmen take seriously the responsibility of owning a firearm. You failed to recognize the element of personal defense as it applies to the Second Amendment right.
All effort needs to prevent another HR 3355 from being passed.

Offline Gary

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This link to the NRA, will send your letters to all lawmakers for you, in an email, or print them from your printer, so you can snail mail them. 

Play around with the site, very handy tool. 


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good letters

Offline SS_N_NE

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I have been using the NRA link and the site email of individual politicians when I get a specific letter.

The point here is that we need to let these guys know and pass the word among ourselves that this has all been done before. 1994 is not all that long ago, but enough that a lot of people (most likely a majority) have forgotten, are new or never knew what hit them. Very few people ever read a passed bill and have no clue what our government really does every day. Clinton stuffed 10 years of spending into that bill alone. Now he is doing it again. After this black cloud goes it's way, we need to set limits of political involvement for individuals who have had their shot. But, I digress.

In the current climate of excessive government spending, tax increases and budget issues, a call to reduce spending may be our best defense. Firearms are not an issue and have very little with the political solution. Look at H.R. 3355 and you will see what the issue is really about. Gun control is a tiny speck in that bill but got all of the attention. Gun owners were impacted to acheive adgenda spending. The impact could be much greater this time.

Letters I have received lately from various politicians still have several paragraphs that mourn recent violent crime. Yes, we all feel bad about that. But this has turned into a fight. How many times did you think something would not pass and it did? Obama has used a lot of air time lately, carefully staged to get the most emotion he could manage and is hitting his target audience.

I don't know what firearm owners are willing to give up. If the answer is NOTHING then start calling and writting. We should even start asking to get things back.  I know people who have carried concealed for decades, without a permit. They are criminals because they didn't pay the money but otherwise no different from anyone that has payed the money.

It is easy to write using the NRA link posted above. Effort is the only thing that will pay off here. Write a letter today....and tomorrow.


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Again well said