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Author Topic: California expanding gun confiscation  (Read 1509 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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California expanding gun confiscation
« on: February 22, 2013, 08:06:01 PM »

Law abiding gun owners in California have to feel uneasy after Democrats rolled out a massive gun control package on Thursday, which includes strict ammunition regulations and even a bill that allows potential confiscation of the state’s 166,000 legally registered semi-automatic rifles.

Under the sweeping gun control bills introduced by state Senate Democrats, all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines would be banned, all guns would be registered and gun owners would need a special permit just to buy ammunition.

The proposals appear to be even more draconian than New York’s recent gun control legislation, considered to be the toughest in the nation.
State Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) on Thursday defended the huge gun control package, saying “California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough.” He also said he respects the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens to have firearms for hunting, sport and home defense.

Thirteen years ago California had a round of gun collections:
Gun owners in California and Connecticut have discovered that it really CAN happen here. Advertising has been strong here in San Diego recently, urging all owners of the SKS "Sporter" to turn them in for a $230 reimbursement before January 1, 2000. "If you own an SKS Sporter, you can’t sell it and you can’t shoot it. You MUST turn it in before January 1 or face criminal charges and confiscation" goes the ad which has been run on local radio stations.
NOW, California has a new Attorney General, a Democratic Governor, and a State Legislature also controlled by the Democrats. NOW the law is being reinterpreted, and SKS owners who acted in good faith by complying with the terms of Roberti-Roos are left holding the bag. There are also some sixty additional models of "assault rifle", outlawed since 1992, which appear on the list currently designated for confiscation!

During his run for Governor in 1997, Former Attorney General Dan Lungren reversed his own earlier decision about the SKS Sporter. Bowing to political pressure, he declared them illegal, thus demonstrating that the trust of SKS owners was misplaced.

Once guns are registered all the Leftists have to do is tweak the laws and repeat the confiscations.   It's heating the frog, one weapon type at a time.   Of course, California law makers assume that criminals and illegals will obey the law and register their guns.    If you have any doubts that gun registration is only the first step toward gun confiscation then you are living in a fool's paradise.

I've come to the conclusion that anti-Constitution folks don't care about  criminals owning guns, it gives them an excuse to use their psychotic behavior as an excuse to violate their oath of office and continue their work of destroying the Constitution.

BTW, In the photo of collected weapons at the top of the article is a Crossman air rifle.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 08:10:51 PM by GreyGeek »

Offline Clint

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Re: California expanding gun confiscation
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 09:25:49 AM »
Wow. Definitely tough laws proposed. Try this link:


Couple weeks old, but I think it's what you're referring to....

Offline huskersforever

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Re: California expanding gun confiscation
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 10:22:46 AM »
Sounds like California wants to compete with Illinois for the most gun control laws......and the most homicides per year, you know the ones committed by law abiding citizens. :P

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: California expanding gun confiscation
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 11:14:01 AM »
People only look at the surface of law that is provided by the media. Take a look at H.R. 3355 the 1994 Violent Crime bill. You will find the basic 1994 "Assault Weapons Ban" in that bill.  You will also find VERY much more that has little to do with firearms. That very much more is money.

Gun control is not so much about fixing a problem as it is unleashing tax money to something that media can make to look like a problem. If people can be scared about guns (illegal immigrants, social security, health care...etc.) then a law has traction to get passed but not without packing in a ton of money.

States scramble to set up gun laws so they can grab the federal money should something get flushed through.  Obviously CA is doing very well with federal money, dis-arming and building an army (yeah, I said it).

As gun owners fixate on the loss of our interests, and anti-gun people fixate on control of people that scare them (or other reasons), the smoke hides what the politicians really want...more money. The politicians split groups of people and get the money they want (divide and conquer).  We are all aware that politicians are bought and paid for by people with interests. Interest in getting ahold of tax money. It is simply the job of politicians to deliver. They will use what ever tactics get the job done and maintain their control.

If people could get past the surface issue of gun control and call out the out-of-control tax spending and demand for additional taxes then there might be a chance to stop gun control legistlation. Understanding that such legislation is simply a money grab would tie both sides of "pro" and "anti" back together as they realize we are just being played.  We are being played, are distracted as per the plan and politicians will take away rights to set the precedence to take away more, all in the name of power and money.

Seriously...look at the content of HR 3355...remember that this is a Clinton era bill and Clinton(s) has not left office. Look at all of the agenda in that bill. Recognize that a 10 year spending spree was not good enough and there is a current political demand (Feinstein and others) for a perpetual gun control law, that will ensure perpetual spending on their agenda. And yes, as this works, they will do other things to screen the agenda of the next bill. This all preys on natural human response to a direct attack and is well orchestrated. Politicians know that we will agree to less direct things that take attention away from immediate concern. While we lament the ban of certain firearms, mag capacity and universal checks, there will be a gigantic amount of hidden agenda flushed through. Be sure to call out abuse of pork barrel spending. This whole concern is simply to get federal tax money.