While we are buying guns and ammo, the anti-Constitution folks (they are not against JUST the 2A, as a recent Liberal wag reminded us, they want to eliminate the ENTIRE Constitution) are teaching our kids in schools and delivering most the news they hear, watch or read, wrapped up in popular entertainment media, which is also owned by them. That's why the Left is against home or private schooling. They cannot control the thinking process of kids who are not under their control.
Most politicians recite their oath of office merely to check off a box, because they have mental reservations or purposes of evasion as to why they don't support the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th or 10th Amendments. And, because most do not believe in God, they do not accept the premise that our rights are God given and unalienable. They believe and teach that rights are licenses from the State which can be removed at any time and for any reason, as the state chooses. Of course, the "state" just happens to be the person in the highest political office at the time.
Meanwhile, citizens are losing their ability to be independent, partly because the state forces them into that situation, and they began accepting unearned gov checks as their "right". It will be exacerbated when they realize that they can blame someone else for their own failures, and the Democrats will only be too glad to help them make that realization. Then they start clamoring for more money because that is "their right" as well. It never enters their mind that a government which is big enough to give them everything you need is big enough to take everything they have. Sooner or later, "for the children" or for "social justice" the government will began dictating where they live and what they have to do to continue receiving the checks. And not long after that the "they" becomes "you".
Is there a political solution remaining? I'm hard pressed to see one. As long as politicians lie so easily, the media covers it up, and as long as a majority of people believe that decreasing the RATE OF INCREASES in government spending is "making drastic cuts", or that we can spend our way to prosperity, there is no hope because the sheep are not smart enough to climb out of the mud hole our politicians have put us in and will vote for the politician who lies most believably and promises the most. And most of the Democrats WANT a Socialist system, which is why the Congressional Progressive Caucus makes up 1/5th of the Congress and probably 1/3rd of the Senate.