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Author Topic: VP Biden's poor advise on use of a firearm.  (Read 679 times)

Offline SS_N_NE

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VP Biden's poor advise on use of a firearm.
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:21:01 PM »
Saw this on the news this morning.

The video is rather telling, an offical and especially VP of the USA should have better advise, common sense, greater understanding of the law and a better sense of keeping his mouth shut. I suggest Joe Biden's name is added to NICS as being incompetent to own any firearms....or even talk about firearms.  ::)

In a Facebook "chat" Tuesday, the vice president said that he had advised his wife, Jill, to fire a shotgun in the air from their Delaware home's porch if she was concerned for her safety.

"I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,'" Biden said.
"You don't need an AR-15—it's harder to aim," he added, "it's harder to use, and in fact you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!"

Offline UPCrawfish

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Re: VP Biden's poor advise on use of a firearm.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 09:47:45 PM »
"Borrowed" this comment from another forum.....

Vice President Joe Biden recently stated that, "take your double barrel shotgun out on the balcony and fire a couple blasts. Who ever's out there is not coming in."
Wow. So many things wrong with that.
1. Firing into the air in a residential area is usually illegal.
2. Firing at a trespasser is illegal.
3. Firing at wildlife either in a residential area or out of season is illegal.
4. Firing both shells out of a double barrel leaves you out of ammo.
5. A double barrel shotgun is not easy to reload under the stress of a possible home invasion.
6. Home invaders are increasingly involving multiple attackers.
7. Leaving the security of a secured structure to go outside where a possible bad guy is waiting is a very bad idea. You have provided a way in, unnecessarily endangered yourself and others, and possibly provided a loaded shotgun to an adversary if he is waiting by the door and able to grab the shotgun.
8. Does Biden's Secret Service detail carry double barrel shotguns? No, I'm betting they have semi-automatic pistols and full auto sub-machine guns and rifles.
9. What qualifications does Biden have to "teach" armed self defense?

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Re: VP Biden's poor advise on use of a firearm.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 10:00:12 PM »
The man is truly an idiot.  Most people who have no filter between their mind and mouth at least realize after the fact that they've said something stupid, but he says the first thing that pops into his pea-sized brain and it never occurs to him that he sounds like a moron.

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: VP Biden's poor advise on use of a firearm.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 10:01:48 PM »
My email today to VP Biden via the NRA-ILA site....Went to President, Senators and Reps of NE.

 Vice President Joe Biden,

Today I watched a video that appeared on the television news and is on YouTube at

I am apalled that the Vice President of the United States could possibly suggest the use of firearms in such an irresponisble way to his wife or anyone.  In one single response to a question, you demonstrated gross lack of common sense, understanding of the law (in a multitude of ways), disregard for responsibility in addressing the public and a total lack of knowledge about firearms.

I suggest you contact a lawyer regarding the use of a firearm for self-defense and aquire a basic knowledge of self defense laws before you advise your wife or make any further public speaches regarding the use of firearms for self defense. It is irresponsible for a public official to speak or give advise on a subject where they obviously posses no intelligent knowledge.

A double barrel shotgun is an awful delf defense weapon. Two rounds fired into the air is an empty weapon. The wasted rounds are a risk to innocent persons where ever that projectile(s) return to earth. The very limited effective range of a shotgun puts a person in a defensive situation very out-gunned by most common firearms.

It is ridiculous to suggest that an AR-15 is not an effective self defense firearm.  How many military and law enforcement officers use double barrel shotguns for there defense?  Why does the Department of Homeland Security have an order for 7000 AR-15 type rifles for their agents self defense if double barrel shotguns would be a better choice?

I suggest you find a firearm training facility, take some basic firearm safety training and possible gain some remedial education about different firearm types and ballistics.

I suggest your name is added to the NICS list as incompetent and have any firearms in your posession taken by law enforcement for the protection of the citizens of the United States. At least if a Universal Gun Check is implimented, we can be safe that you will not be allowed to purchase firearms. Unfortunately, we will not be able to prevent you from using the media to give out bad and illegal advise.