General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Just a Word of Warning... The NEFGA Forum

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I'd never even heard of them before, but if NRA members aren't welcome then they can kiss my grits.  Fudds like that are almost as much of a danger as Feinstein & Co. because they're perfectly willing to sell our rights down the river one compromise at a time.

And this is coming from a guy who divides the year into Deer Season and Not Deer Season.  I'm guessing my evil black suppressed deer rifle wouldn't be accepted by them.

With how awesome the NFOA forum is.... why bother with any place else ?


Im a member of NEFGA, and been very vocal on my opinions on gun control there.  They just dont like people bashing on the president for the sake of bashing, for example.  Seems as long as you have a legitimate post and sound logic behind it you can say more or less whatever you want.

I voiced my opinions for many pages on the above thread under this same name.

Dan W:
I don't think it is good policy to critique other forums, because it just begs of retaliation by the fans of another site.

So, can we just let this die?


--- Quote from: Dan W on February 27, 2013, 07:37:07 PM ---I don't think it is good policy to critique other forums, because it just begs of retaliation by the fans of another site.

So, can we just let this die?

--- End quote ---
As usual a voice of reason.


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