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Father Did The Right Thing, Gets One Year Probation

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Any jury that would sentence someone over this, must have been a customer of the head shop.

We have head shops in Lincoln.  Why for goodness sakes?  Run them all out of town with baseball bats!


--- Quote from: Gary on February 27, 2013, 12:11:52 AM ---We have head shops in Lincoln.  Why for goodness sakes? 
--- End quote ---

Because some people's (and corporations) greed knows no bounds, regardless of the  pain and suffering their merchandise causes.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on February 27, 2013, 10:48:29 AM ---Because some people's (and corporations) greed knows no bounds, regardless of the  pain and suffering their merchandise causes.

--- End quote ---
How about we hold the idiot kid responsible for voluntarily ingesting the stuff?

... I just read the story. The kid isn't even a kid. He's 24! The same argument can be made about our guns. Some people use them for good, some for bad. Some people snort bath salts....some take warm soothing baths. It's not the product that's evil, it's the use.

The guy has no right to smash up a store because he doesn't like what his adult son did with one of their products.

I'm not trying to beat you guys up. I just want to get all the ideas on the table.

Okay, maybe I'm wrong about what bath salts actually are... hehe


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