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Father Did The Right Thing, Gets One Year Probation

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Well, abeit that it could be said on a legal firearm- bullet- mouth- ingestion? I am without understanding of this item but the same can be said of legal bar- stool- highballs- car? The man is 24 yrs old and talk about helocopter parents... it would have been Wiser to the parent to contact Police and undercover and put a hurt on this headshop owner.... Again I am wrong all the time but I must present my lic's to purchase canned air '' to blow out my firearm actions'' although some huff it dumb its just dumb but what if vendetta is the word for the month we just can not take the law into our own hands the father should have been dealt a stiffer hand.


--- Quote from: NENick on February 27, 2013, 11:11:33 AM ---How about we hold the idiot kid responsible for voluntarily ingesting the stuff?
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True, but that wasn't the question.   In today's permissive society it is not about responsibility, it is about blame.   What ever happens it is always someone else's fault, and perhaps there is "financial compensation" involved as well!

The guy that over dosed was 24.... not exactly a kid ... as has been pointed out.

Selling what they sell, such an occurrence should be expected eventually.

Does the Dad have a right be pissed ? Yup.  Did he have a right to bust the place up ? No.  Was he awesome in calling 911 himself and other stuff ? Yup.

Now..... my main problem with the story.... is....

--- Quote from: TheArticle ---He admitted to possessing a controlled substance analog - a drug that is chemically similar to a controlled substance - with the intent to sell. Tebbetts faces up to 16 years in prison.
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Excuse me ?  It's not a controlled substance but is similar and thus illegal but not or is it or ?  Is this like outlawing toy because because they're similar ?  Or how about that bill in NE legislature to ban the sale of novelty lighters ?

Bull feces.



--- Quote from: CitizenClark on February 27, 2013, 03:13:23 PM ---prohibition funnels loads of money to violent criminals and actually exacerbates the social harms attendant to addiction.
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We paid dearly for that lesson in the prohibition, and now we are paying for it again with pot.    But, it is prisons run by corporations that are pushing for higher arrests for pot possession because they benefit.


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