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Bellevue Chief, CLEO signature denied

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Don't bother asking the new Bellevue Police Chief to sign a Form 1.

Dropped off the paperwork last week for an SBR build, received it back in the mail yesterday, with a letter stating that he "does not wish to sign".

I never had this issue with the former Chief. Does the Sarpy Co Sheriff have any problems signing?

- Shawn

Rod Moeller knows.  i'd ask him.

i've never had anything signed.  i was poking around and was told no without even really asking or presenting any forms.  got a trust, never looked back.  the trust updates kind of piss me off, but thats another story

That's too bad, Andy is there anything the NFOA can do?

Who can blame the Chief?  I mean with all of the NFA weapons crimes committed in Bellvue...... (for those of you in Rio Linda, that is a joke).....

I did not know that they had a CHOICE on wether or not to sign it...they are not granting you permission, but just acknowledging that you will have it.
This may not be the case, but thats what I thought...a friend had some issues like this in Nemaha County, but ended up getting done (this was for possession of a fully automatic weapon).
Guess you won`t be helping him keep his job will you?


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