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What the 2nd Amendment didn't say

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--- Quote from: SS_N_NE on March 10, 2013, 12:13:55 PM ---I have offered up numerous times that the entire gun control debate is not about the control of firearms.  Although some individuals would enjoy the control they imposed on citizens they are not really interested in limiting a few firearms. The true goal is everything that can be hidden under the disquise of gun control safety. Using the media to drive people in emotion over fear politicians seek to control and get access to federal money. Politicians that exhibit the greatest desire to create a control bill have agenda driven by the need for more money to supplement shortages in their state. Money is power. A gun control bill would provide for huge law enforcement funds. Building state and city armies are power. A flood of studies and other related funding is money to anyone supporting the bill. These gun-grabbers are money-grabbers.
Gun owners are so focused on our loss of interest or potential loss that the core reason is ignored. Everyone on the other side of the gun control issue have been divided by fear and emotion. Divide and conquer...a typical battle plan.

Everyone from both sides can be brought together by exposing the true intent of gun control legislators. These politicians waited for a significant tragic event and are using it to creating a way to get money. Imagine the cold excitement that they had the media tool they needed. We should all be disgusted by the actions and intent of gun control legislators. Not necessarily that they threating our interests and rights but also that they used tragic events to get media emotion they needed to divide people of the United States against each other simply to get money for their failing state economic goals, lacking agenda and strive for power.

We can discuss the statistics of gun violence until we find ourselves over our heads in a bill. We can lament the tearing away of a natural and Constitutional right. Or, we can expose the true goals of these politicians and stop them.  The politicians may own several venues of media but it is becoming old. We have more ability to pass information on an individual level than ever before.
Pass the word, expose the true goals of these politicians and their dispicable methods of playing citizens against each other in the name of money and power. People hate being cheated. There is an opportunity to turn that into anger and resolve. In this time of excess government spending we should not be forced to pay for the issues of big city financial issues and crime problems.  Our interests and rights should not be stripped simply as a smoke screen for an agenda. Our leadership should not be using propaganda against it's people for their power.

--- End quote ---
This realy shed some light on what has been a burning question to me. I apreciate you sharing this.
I shared the wikipedia link, not because I believe everything wiki/or the internet to be `gospel`, but only because that part which I refered to is what I remember both the men who taught history and government/economics back in HS put an emphasis on the importance. What a couple of `cool old conservatives` them guys must be today..(class of `86 Thunderbird HS, Phx. AZ) :)


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