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Flat Broke, Nada, Zilch, Busted, But I Have This....

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--- Quote from: Gary on March 01, 2013, 10:42:49 PM ---He runs about 200mph in all directions at once.
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Reminds me of the "Bichon buzz"  Once a day he would take off like a whirling dervish around the house at full throttle.   :laugh:


--- Quote from: abbafandr on March 02, 2013, 06:48:33 AM ---
Reminds me of the "Bichon buzz"  Once a day he would take off like a whirling dervish around the house at full throttle.   :laugh:

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One breeder calls that "The Bursts Of Joy"    Maltese do that also. 

Very cool. I used to have a neighbor who loved to spend time on his sail boat. I moved and never got to take him up on the offer of going out, so maybe this summer we could do that.
I have not been to Branched Oaks since I was a very young boy...I remember thats where grandpa took me fishing a few times.


--- Quote from: Gary on March 02, 2013, 05:35:39 PM ---One breeder calls that "The Bursts Of Joy"    Maltese do that also. 

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Well, that would explain it.... We've got a "MalPom", but he looks more Maltese than Pom, so I dunno what IT is, but he does the terrorize the house psycho dog thing too.

Nice boat, and BIG! Aren't you "drydocked" out by west O? Seen it there for a while, had my curiosity going as to why that spot. 

My business is there, so sometimes it ends up there for a few days / weeks as I work on it.    It is there now, with a foot of snow on her.  Looks like I got her out from under her cover a bit early!   One sailboat has launched at Branched Oak.  Would make a good picture, shoveling snow off the boat into the lake. 

--- Quote from: ckspeed on March 10, 2013, 10:35:30 PM ---Well, that would explain it.... We've got a "MalPom", but he looks more Maltese than Pom, so I dunno what IT is, but he does the terrorize the house psycho dog thing too.

Nice boat, and BIG! Aren't you "drydocked" out by west O? Seen it there for a while, had my curiosity going as to why that spot. 

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