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My Response Concerning the NEFGA Forum


Don't know why the original thread got closed but here's my response anyway.

--- Quote from: barmandr ---So, you continuosly violate a written rule not allowing political discussions on the forum and then get all offended when you have those posts moderated?  As a reminder, participation in any forum is voluntary...feel free not to join if you can't follow the rules which were in place when you joined and agreed to the terms of service.  A final note...The NEFGA is the Nebraska Fish and Game Assn. and it was established to discuss just that, NE fishing and hunting, not gun control and politics.  There are other appropriate venues for you to use for those discussions.
--- End quote ---

First of all, I'm not offended.  I am DISAPPOINTED.  Our 2A rights are under large scale assault.  I don't know how the 2A can be discussed w/o politics entering the conversation. 

I'm sorry those who think they can have their cake and eat it too are so easily offended. 

For myself, I'm simply trying to understand the mindset of gun owners who support anti-gun politicians.  I honestly don't understand the logic.  But if one tries to discuss it, the other side gets all insulted and normally gets ugly about it. 

As they say, the 2A ain't about duck huntin'. 

Oh well. 

It's your forum. 


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