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LR191 Castle Doctrine Interim Study - introduced by Sen. Christensen May 18th

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armed and humorous:
I can't really imagine many people in this group not being in favor of a castle law that extends to anywhere you have a legal right to be.  After all, it doesn't do much good to have a CHP. or even to be allowed to carry openly, if you can't use the firearm when needed.

Exactly, A&H. If you can't use it, whats it good for? I agree with the "anywhere you have a legal right to be" clause. That includes home, vehicle, or yourself on the street or "anywhere you have a legal right to be. Civil immunity when you have been legally justified in criminal court should also be included. We also need to include legal presentation of the weapon (brandishing) and need to provide that if threatened or felt threatened a CHP holder may draw their weapon and point it at the person doing the threatening.

Just got a reply from my Unicam rep (Sen Abbie Cornett).  She stated that she will not be introducing any Castle Doctrine legislation during the 2010 session, but that she would listen to the debate if another senator does introduce a bill.  I'm going to ask her to support any efforts to gather information or other actions that will craft a well-informed and legally-sufficient bill to submit for gubernatorial signature.  Will keep the forum posted on any developments.




--- Quote from: DanClrk51 on September 04, 2009, 09:47:49 PM ---Civil immunity when you have been legally justified in criminal court should also be included.

--- End quote ---

That's a very, very good suggestion.  I think that is a vital part of any bill.

Good job AFVet1982. She is also my State Senator and I probably should also remind her about that. She cosponsored the original concealed carry bill in 2006 but she is a former cop and they can go either way on this issue.


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