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Weekend Coffee Roundup (OMAHA) 03/09/2013

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--- Quote from: greg58 on March 08, 2013, 10:45:54 AM ---Since I have not heard any oposition to 07:30, lets meet then.
Once again the HyVee at 180th and Pacific, Saturday March 09, 07:30 AM.
 I will be wearing a hunter orange camo cap. My son and I look forward to meeting some area members in person, please don't be shy.


--- End quote ---

See you there.  Not sure what I'll be wearing, but I'll look for your cap.


I'd love to attend... but 7:30 is a tad too early for me given my current schedule, and it's also a half hour drive heh.  Calling it 'Omaha' is nearly a misnomer LOL.

Possibly catch ya on the next one :).

Good to see those that were able to make it!

It was nice to meet you all and put some faces to the usernames.

I agree Famous556... not to mention breakfast with cool discussion, and in the company of new friends.
If something is brought up for next month, maybe others could suggest a location that works better for them ( I`m flexable as far as location &`s going to be a bit of a drive anyhoo.


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