I was thinking about the "why" behind our government buying 1.6+ BILLION rounds of small arms ammo.
It's just a thought, but if you were our military brass and your computer simulations indicated that war with <choose one; Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, whomever> was inevitable, how would you replenish your ammo stockpiles after years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with "light tanks", and other military firepower without raising alarms in those countries? Just the way DHS is doing it, except that the ammo isn't going to DHS people, but clandestinely going to our military.
I also read somewhere that the number of people who have applied for weapons permits, CCW, etc.., is over 88 Million! That's 28% of Americans actively seeking ammo for their weapons.
Those two events appear to be colliding to form a perfect storm.