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Spring Gardening: preparation to bounty.

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--- Quote ---beets(yuck..taste like dirt to me)

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Washing them before eating will fix that ....... just sayin'  ;)

Also, bell peppers can be grown indoors ..... I've had some go as long as 3 1/2 years! I have two plants in the dining room right now .... one is 5 feet tall.  They don't yield spectacularly in winter, but I have gotten more than a dozen small (1/2 size) peppers since  I brought them in the fall.  When the weather warms, I'll take them back outside, and I'll be picking peppers in May.

What are absolutely a NO for conposting?  Everyone has an opinion, garden sights say if you can eat it, compost it.

Are compost piles different for veggies and flower gardens?

essentially, in my  opinion, plant stuffs will compost better and faster than animal products.  Animal products need to decompose and take longer to compost.  I have three compost piles.  I don't turn my compost very often so it takes longer to cook and I rotate the compost between the piles every year.  I suppose one could use animal products in a separate pile with some vegetation thrown in to get the nitrogen to carbon ratios where you want them.  Personally, I would just try it and see how it goes.  What will it hurt?  The Indians taught us to bury a fish with our corn, as I said earlier, so obviously animal products can work. 


--- Quote from: gigabelly on March 10, 2013, 03:41:08 PM ---essentially, in my  opinion, plant stuffs will compost better and faster than animal products.  Animal products need to decompose and take longer to compost.  I have three compost piles.  I don't turn my compost very often so it takes longer to cook and I rotate the compost between the piles every year.  I suppose one could use animal products in a separate pile with some vegetation thrown in to get the nitrogen to carbon ratios where you want them.  Personally, I would just try it and see how it goes.  What will it hurt?  The Indians taught us to bury a fish with our corn, as I said earlier, so obviously animal products can work. 

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I won't put meat in there, but what about leftovers like pasta and quac dip, or breads or anything else grown not born?

Hmmm, I`ll have to try washing them beets next time :laugh:


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