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Author Topic: NE+UT+FL CCW Class, March 1st and again March 2nd, in Lincoln, NE  (Read 1735 times)

Offline phorvick

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I realize this is an early posting, but the classes are filling up fairly quickly lately.  Particularly so in that this class also qualifies for Utah and/or Florida...and there are some serious rumblings in Utah to change their process....meaning that it would be a very good (if one were so inclined) to get that Utah permit applied for sooner rather than later.

The Saturday, March 1st, class will be at Seasons Choice Range in Lincoln, starting at 11:00am. 

The Sunday, March 2nd, class will start at 9:00am.

For more information, or to register, contact

paul (at) shootingsafely.com


(edited 2-18-08 to confirm that a second class on March 2nd is going to be held)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 09:40:47 AM by phorvick »
If butterfiles carried .45's, there would be no sparrow problem.
