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Who Is ready to ride?

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The scoot n shoot sounds like a great idea NE Bull.
I have been to Grand Island and visited Hornady a couple times to pick up some blem bullets but the only time I could make the ride was on a Friday. Any day of the week BESIDES Friday, a person can tour the factory and see different stages of bullet production.
I`m thinking a group ride to G.I. to visit Hornady on a Monday-Thursday to tour the factory would be a good destination.
Regarding a few other post; yes there is no doubt about hazards that are inherent to riding a motorcycle..just hope my luck holds out and don`t join the side of `those who have` anytime soon.
Having family and the fact I`m 45yrs old has mellowed me out quite a bit...not to say I have not opened this bad boy up a couple times.
NE Bull,(or others) PM me anytime you want to discuss a ride/ short road trip.
BTW- this is my second Hayabusa, I traded the first for a quad and then rode a `07 Softail Custom for ~5yrs.

I ride all year round, don't ever put the bike up. Was 23* this morning when I left the house, 20 miles to work, not that bad. The wife rides all year round too, but getting off at 1 AM, she doesn't like dodging deer for her 20 mile ride so she drives the Explorer.


--- Quote from: DaveB on March 07, 2013, 07:00:18 PM ---I ride all year round, don't ever put the bike up. Was 23* this morning when I left the house, 20 miles to work, not that bad. The wife rides all year round too, but getting off at 1 AM, she doesn't like dodging deer for her 20 mile ride so she drives the Explorer.

--- End quote ---
Thats dedicated Dave & Mrs...makes me shiver just thinking about it!
I`m a fair weather rider and also prefer daylight.
Off tomorrow so I plan to at least run it up n down HWY 2 a bit...maybe run to Lincoln.

Safety Warning

Each year, the city of Lincoln puts one or more bikers into wooden boxes and lowers them into the ground.

Like John Wayne said: "Your fault, My fault, nobody's fault, anything goes wrong, someone dies"

As you ride this season, remember to slow down and look both ways at EVERY intersection.  Look for gravel on turns, folks making left hand turns from an approaching lane, turning in front of you.  Check your front and back air pressure, to make sure tires have proper amounts of air in them.

Can't be too careful, and someone will learn that this summer, in our city of Lincoln.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on March 06, 2013, 09:44:12 PM ---Well, I could buy both guns and motorcycles, but I would like to stay married.

--- End quote ---

Get your wife to shoot & ride! :)


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