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Author Topic: Feinstein on Cspan  (Read 808 times)

Offline abbafandr

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Feinstein on Cspan
« on: March 08, 2013, 06:03:56 AM »
Wow,  I mistakenly caught Cspan for a few minutes.  Feinstein was droning on and on about her assault weapons bill.  There were a number of our favorite people in attendance, Bloomberg, Blumenthal, Schumer ad nauseum.  She was praising their 'heart' for supporting her.  ( Talk about preaching to the choir :'()
But she really was hammering  home about how leading  legal scholars have decided that this ban was not unconstitutional.  No doubt in her mind that any legal beagle would disagree ( kinda like global warming).
Of course listening to her claim of how the features of "assault weapons" were designed to make them more deadly, GIMME A BREAK!

Anyhow, we are in for one big dog fight.  We need to keep pressing our reps in Washington and here in Nebraska.

NFOA is a excellent group of  people working for a good, no vital, cause.

I have decided to become a monthly supporter since I feel this fight is so critical.

Basically, I decided to put my money where my mouth is ( hat tip to Fly).

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!