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What's left of CO's proposed new gun laws?

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--- Quote ---"Two of the seven gun proposals in the Colorado legislature were dropped late Friday, and the sponsor of one of the dead bills ripped the gun lobby for forcing him to scuttle his proposal."
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Forcing him?  What'd they do, hold a gun to his head?

When did the gun lobby sit on the Senate panel?

--- Quote ---Under Senate President John Morse's Senate Bill 196, manufacturers and sellers of semiautomatic rifles could have been sued for violent acts committed by gun owners they "negligently entrusted" with an assault-style weapon if the gun buyer was someone whom they "reasonably should have known might use the weapon" to cause harm.
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Duh!   That's why there are no laws allowing someone hit by a drunk driver to sue GM.  If Morse proved anything it is that he has no common sense.

Here is a list of the Colorado proposed gun bills and how they are fairing

• Online gun certification: Senate Bill 195, banning online certification for concealed carry permits and requiring people to attend classes in person — advances in Senate

• Liability for “assault”-style weapons: Senate Bill 196, holding manufacturers and sellers of semiautomatic weapons liable for violence committed with them — killed by sponsor

• Gun ban for domestic abusers: Senate Bill 197, banning certain domestic violence abusers from owning guns — advances in Senate

• Limits on high-capacity ammunition: House Bill 1224, limiting gun ammunition magazines to 15 rounds but amended to not outlaw the “standard shotgun” — advances in Senate

• Gun ban on college campuses:  House Bill 1226, banning concealed weapons on college campuses — killed by sponsor

• Background check fee: House Bill 1228, requiring gun buyers to pay for their own background checks — advances in Senate

• Universal background checks: House Bill 1229, requiring background checks for all gun transfers, including private sales — advances in Senate

So,  in essence, the much ballyhoo'd Colorado gun restriction laws were mostly cosmetic, or they raised revenues.   Just this, even though they apparently attempted to extort silence from Colorado's Sherrifs:

--- Quote ---In a radio interview with KVOR on Saturday, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said he received an email last week with a threat to stop or stall pay raises to the state’s elected sheriffs if they don’t support Colorado’s pending gun control legislation.

The email, sent from the offices of the County Sheriffs of Colorado, “basically said, Dem. leadership is very upset with the sheriffs and their opposition to the gun control bills,” Maketa said.

He claimed it said the Democrats were threatening to delay legislation that would give the sheriffs a long-delayed pay raise if they continue to speak out against the new push for more gun control laws.

--- End quote ---

These five bills have passed the senate.

Most of them go back to the house to be voted on again where they are expected to pass again with the amendments made to match the senate versions. One of them is going to the governor, whom has already pledged to sign all of them. With this vote Colorado becomes an opressive state and the vote today proves that our neighboring legislators (at least a majority of them) don't support the second amendment.


Got several friends in Colorado. Most of them are talking about staying until the next election, then they are outta there.

On a somewhat related note:
Anyone looking for a mechanical engineer fresh outta college in 2-3 years? He's a vet, and a great guy.

Slightly off topic...

But I know Magpul was threatening to leave if they passed these bills. It will
Be interesting to see what comes of that. I know there was a lot of hype and discussion about Magpul and speculation of where they will go, but I'm interested to see if they stick to their guns (no pun intended) and take their tax revenue to a free state.  I hope and believe that they will. I think it would hurt their business if they were bluffing, a lot of people took a stand with them.

I think Magpul will bail.  The logistics of a move aren't as bad as it might seem, it's not like moving a Boeing or GM plant.  Look for them to relocate somewhere on a major east-west, north-south corridor again. Omaha/C.Bluffs area would be ideal if our tax rates were better, and our politicians would flush out their headgear.  My bet would be K.C, MO area.


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