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Author Topic: A message to all of the new members  (Read 1059 times)

Offline bkoenig

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A message to all of the new members
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:46:53 AM »
First of all, THANK YOU for joining us.  Our strength is in our numbers, and the more members we have, the bigger stick we can swing in the state legislature.  We have some great people here who spend a lot of their own personal time testifying at hearings and lobbying our senators, and they need our support.

So what more can you do? 

- Contact your government representatives.  Congress, state legislature, city council, mayor, governor, you name it.  Everyone here should be regularly emailing, calling, or writing letters.  Already contacted them?  Do it again!  Even though Nebraska's congressional delegation is for the most part pro-2A we need to keep the pressure on them.  Politely but firmly tell them we will not tolerate any compromise.  Not an inch.

- Go to rallies, attend legislative hearings, volunteer to help at events.  The NFOA is a volunteer organization.  For example, we need people to help man tables at gun shows to recruit new members.  You don't have to be an eloquent speaker.  Just make eye contact with someone, say hello, and ask them if they know about the NFOA.  It's easy.  The rest just takes care of itself.  If even half our members would volunteer at only one event per year we would have a HUGE presence.

- Donate.  We don't have membership dues, so everything we do is run off of donations.  There's a button at the top of the page - it doesn't have to be a huge amount, even $5 a month is a big help.  You spend more than that for a value meal at McDonalds. 

And probably the most important:

- Spread the word.  Talk to your family and friends about the NFOA.  Get them to join us and other organizations like the NRA, Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, etc.  Engage people in discussions about our rights.  Even better, take someone shooting who's not a gun person.  Show them how to safely and responsibly exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.  In fact, if you yourself are new to shooting and looking for some help, PM ME.  I'm always happy to take people shooting. 

Offline wusker

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Re: A message to all of the new members
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 10:11:03 PM »
Can I get a hell yeah?! ^what he said.
 Welcome new members. One question, I had an idea the other day what if some of us paid for materials and talked to a place in a good location where we could plant a sign. For instance Bigshots is near downtown and get tons of traffic on sun valley blvd, what if we raised the funds and with thier permission put a sign in their lot that said something like "Join the NFOA and Bigshots billards in supporting the 2A" with website addresses of both organizations. I was only thinking of a simple 4x8 plywood hand panted  and a base maybe with castors ir just a tilit up style, with a gasden flag  and U.S. flag in each corner.

Offline OnTheFly

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Re: A message to all of the new members
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 11:07:19 PM »

Si vis pacem, para bellum