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Do You Think The News Is Scripted Nationally?

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Scripted nationally, even on local news broadcasts?

Watch this and make your own conclusion.

NE Bull:
AP News download with no initiative to as least rewrite/ ad lib the intro?

Don't question the teleprompter.  :  " I like to do da cha cha"   :laugh:

When 8' satellite dishes came out and folks, mostly living in the country where cable didn't reach, bought them, I installed them and set them up.  I always used Westar B and its ABC news feed transponder.  This was  in  the early 1980s.  I watched live events as they happened and later would watch what was actually broadcast by Harry Reasoner and Max Robbins.   What I saw bore no resemblance to what they said happened.   They had an agenda and they pushed it.  That agenda hasn't changed.

A LOT of rural people for the next couple of years saw the same thing and it made them mad. Then, the major broadcasters got wise and encrypted the news feeds.  Too late.  People in the country were wise to what they were doing and their discontent was tapped by Rush Limbaugh and others.  About half those people have died and their children never saw the news distortion taking place so they tend to buy into it hook, line and sinker..

They definitely push an agenda.  Our rulers in DC have an intense hatred for internet freedom since they can't control it.  When there were 3 networks and 3 wire services they could control news easier. 
This is why there is talk of needing a kill switch for the net.  This is behind the sturm and drang behind the claimed Chinese hacking. They want to control internet access for our "security" >:D

They all pull their stories from the same pool. To see what i mean, got to this site that I built and search for   Gun , then search Obama, notice the number of stories and how they are all the same, they simply change the wording around a little so they can pretend that the story is theirs. Durning the election Obama stories outnumbered Romney stories x3.  This site is mine hosted in my home office. It has no advertising but is not run on powerful servers. The first load takes a while to harvest all of the stories so give it a minute.


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