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Do You Think The News Is Scripted Nationally?

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Speaking of scripted, check this out when you don't have anything else to do...

A couple of "highlights":
DPRK SPA Decides to Set Up State Space Development Bureau
More Youth and Students Petition to Be Allowed to Join or Rejoin Army?
Title of Honorary Citizenship of Nigeria Awarded to Kim Jong Un (I'm guessing he was notified this by a an email from a member of the Global Monetary Fund And Scam Awareness Organization?)
Kim Il Sung's Birth Anniversary Celebrated in Russia


--- Quote from: DangerousDrummer on April 02, 2013, 08:12:32 PM ---Durning the election Obama stories outnumbered Romney stories x3.
--- End quote ---

Doing a Google Trends on "Obama, Romney" for the year 2012 shows that the ratio of stories was indeed 3:1 for most of the year, except during the week of the election when they were 2:1.  Equally important was the tone of the stories.  Those about Obama were usually favorable or glowing, those about Romney were neutral or mostly critical.


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