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My Girls Swiming


OK, my girls, are Orinda's, but the swimming part was correct.  This tank is my smallest tank in my shop, 55 gallons.  These girls seem to get lost in bigger tanks.  My main tank display is 500 gallons ish across three tanks 16 feet long. Makes a nice room separation.

Oranda's are my favorite fish, but the Koi are much easier to care for, and make a great display.

"We love to watch the humans swim by"...funny!


Cool Gary. We havn`t had a fish tank for several years but my daughter has a Beta in a sm.
Years ago (mid to late 80`s) my cousin kept a very cool aquarium with salt fish. Clown fish (and the thingy they hide out in), a eel, triggers, thats a few of the ones I can remember.


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