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Private Purchase

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I understand that if I purchase a handgun from a dealer I need my permit and then have to register at the Omaha PD before I can complete the purchase. Do I do the same process if purchasing from a private owner or can I just show my permit and not register the handgun?

I'm not trying to get away with anything, just not sure of the process. Thank you

Do you have a Nebraska CHP?

It is my understanding that if you have that, Omaha has diddly squat to say about your guns.

NE Bull:
You are 'required' to take said legally privately purchased handgun, unloaded, in a case to to the downtown PD office and register it there.
If you hold a CHP, you are exempt from the registration process.  That alone is worth the money and time in obtaining a CHP, IMO.


--- Quote from: NE Bull on March 21, 2013, 08:36:03 PM ---That alone is worth the money and time in obtaining a CHP, IMO.
--- End quote ---

Or take a more expensive route and move out of occupied territory into the free(er) surrounding communities. So glad I live outside of the occupied zone.

I'd definitely take any legal route that avoids registration. Hell no.


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